Womens Business Networking Online Meeting 21st December 2021 9.30-11.00am

Womens Business Networking is a national online networking membership group for women in business. We meet online twice per month.

WBN meetings are relaxed, informal and fun – we are a very supportive group where you can be yourself and ask for help.

At all our meetings there is an opportunity for all attendees to tell us about their business and what they do.

At this meeting we will have a guest speaker Dr Cecilia Serban

Cecilia Serban is a certified Health Coach and a Medical Doctor. After working for more than 10 years with patients suffering from heart attacks, Cecilia is now focused on helping people prevent heart disease. She is working predominantly with women who want a more holistic approach to their wellbeing.

In her talk “Your Heart Health Matters!” Cecilia will share with us what are the risks for heart disease, what you can do to prevent it (even if you have heart disease in your family) and why this matters more for women. You will learn more about the gender gap in the healthcare system and what can you do to avoid being trapped in it.

Are you keen to learn more – then join us at this meeting.

Womens Business Networking was founded by Sharon Louca.

Sharon’s passion is providing women in business with the support they need to feel in control, grow a profitable and successful business, and alleviate stress and overload.

We all want our business to succeed, evolve, and turn a profit. After all, isn’t that the driving force behind many of our decisions to start-up in the first place?

However, being a small business owner can also mean you are everything to everyone.

The Women’s Business Network is the perfect platform to offer the kind of support you deserve. Our fabulous group is dedicated to the empowerment of women in business in the community through virtual networking, and membership options.

What does the Women’s Business Network offer?

• Supportive and friendly environment

• Zoom Networking

• Private Facebook group

• Panel of experts

• No one seat policy – collaboration over competition

• No geographical restrictions – open to UK and Europe

Fancy being part of this fantastic community of like-minded women. Why not come along to one of our meetings and see if we are the right fit for you and your business. We allow visitors to attend 3 times before we would ask them to join.